Sunday 8 April 2012

30 days of biking week #1 down

Short rides and medium rides this week - mainly due to the bobbins weather - biting winds, wintery showers and usual northern grimness of skies... except for Friday when I took advantage of the sunshine (albeit freezing morning) to commute & my fav route on saturday for some zooming fun!

Following work on Friday, I peddled a new way to S's house along a part of the canal I'd not been on before. Started off delighfully well with beautiful views of the hills, swans sailing along and the first ducklings of the year. Oh and also more midges than you can shake your arms at as you try not to swallow the blighters. My hair was an unwitting midge trap - ahh that time of year again!

 Alas as I neared Blackburn the route became quite isolated & being followed by a teen lad on his bike who just would not seem to overtake me whenever I slowed down freaked me out just a bit too much. By the time I reached a dog walker, I stopped and he passed - probably harmless enough & if so he possibly didnt realise he was unnerving me, but boy did I need to catch my breath after those couple of miles.

Saturday was grey, but S & I headed out to the woods to have some fun whizzing down past the reservoirs & to work our legs out on the return trip uphill. My favourite bike route put a smile on my face and worked up my appetite for a chilli tea. Perfect way to spend a weekend afternoon.

Week #2 commences in the morn... in the rain.

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